Membership Plan Options
Join now to expand your reach and connect with a global audience of potential customers
Save over 15% on an annual subscription
- Basic
- $29.99/month
- Yearly 15% Discount
- Preferred geographical location of your business
- Display company name
- Display business type
- Display company logo
- Display website link
- Display phone number
- Display Email address
- Display physical address (if available)
- Display social media links
- Display business hours (if applicable)
- Appear on first search result pages
- Recommended by Market Market badge
- SEO friendly tags for Google, Yahoo, Bing and Baidu
- Featured listing placement
- Add customer testimonials
- All company details visible to public
- Can use logo on your website or promotional materials as a trusted partner
- FAQs listing
- Upload unlimited photos and videos to describe your product in a more detailed way
- Book a demo or meeting button
- Easy contacting options
- 24/7 Email and Phone support
- Advanced
- $39.99/month
- Yearly 20% Discount
- Preferred geographical location of your business
- Display company name
- Display business type
- Display company logo
- Display website link
- Display phone number
- Display Email address
- Display physical address (if available)
- Display social media links
- Display business hours (if applicable)
- Appear on first search result pages
- Recommended by Market Market badge
- SEO friendly tags for Google, Yahoo, Bing and Baidu
- Featured listing placement
- Add customer testimonials
- All company details visible to public
- Can use logo on your website or promotional materials as a trusted partner
- FAQs listing
- Upload unlimited photos and videos to describe your product in a more detailed way
- Book a demo or meeting button
- Easy contacting options
- 24/7 Email and Phone support
- Growth
- $19.99/month
- Save over 15% on an annual subscription
- Exposure to your preferred geographical location
- Display your company’s name
- Display your business’s specialty
- Display your company’s logo
- Display company’s website
- Display your company’s phone number
- Display company’s Email address
- Display your company’s physical address (if available)
- Display your company’s social media links
- Recommended by Markets Market badge
- SEO friendly tags (Meta titles & keywords) for search engines
- Featured listing placement
- Add customer testimonials
- FAQs listing
- Upload unlimited photos and videos to provide a more detailed product description
- Book a demo or meeting button
- Easy contacting options
- 24/7 Email and Phone support
- Expand
- $29.99/month
- Save over 15% on an annual subscription
- Exposure to your preferred geographical location
- Display your company’s name
- Display your business’s specialty
- Display your company’s logo
- Display company’s website
- Display your company’s phone number
- Display company’s Email address
- Display your company’s physical address (if available)
- Display your company’s social media links
- Recommended by Markets Market badge
- SEO friendly tags (Meta titles & keywords) for search engines
- Featured listing placement
- Add customer testimonials
- FAQs listing
- Upload unlimited photos and videos to provide a more detailed product description
- Book a demo or meeting button
- Easy contacting options
- 24/7 Email and Phone support